Lab NEWs
Esther presented Mikhail’s work on anillin function during cytokinesis at the annual ASCB/EMBO meeting in beautiful San Diego. Great science and city!
At our annual Christmas Dinner we enjoyed the food at the Alter Simpl in Erlangen.
If you want to learn more about our research check out this introductory video.
A warm welcome to the two master students Nick and David!
Let’s photo-pharmacology shine bright!
Melanie successfully defended her Master Thesis with an interesting talk. Great insights on septin function in dendrite formation!
It was a great honor that Esther was invited to present our photo-pharmacology work to the PhD students of the Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology (KoRS-CB). Impressive event organized by the PhD students.
PhD position available in the lab!
PhD position in cell division and microscopy
Lab excursion with the Mikeladze-Dvali lab (LMU) to Nürnberg. Very informative tour about the history of Nürnberg and joyful time together with old friends.
Mikhail presented his work at the first PhD day at the Biology department.
Great talk and event! For more information check:
An excellent start of the new year:
Today Jennifer defended her PhD on the regulation of RhoA dynamics during cytokinesis. Great job! Congratulations!!
The lab is now at Bluesky Social
Check it out!
Congratulation to Fritzi and Laura on the joint publication with the Dube group on rhodanine-based photoswitches which was just accepted in JACS
Read up about the story on the department webpage
With a delicious lab Christmas dinner at the ‘La Pasion’ we said Goodbye to Fritzi. It was an honor to have you in the lab and we wish you all the best for your next steps!
Esther presented Fritzi’s work on Aurora A kinase function at ASCB 2023 in Boston with a talk and a poster.
Monica Gotta from the ‘University of Geneva’ visited the lab and gave an inspiring talk.
We welcome our new master student Melanie Roth to the lab!
We participated in the ‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften‘! It was a pleasure to explain the public our work and show them our favorite pet: the beautiful worm C. elegans.
Anna defended her master thesis with an amazing talk. Great work!
Mikhail’s paper on the anillin-based contractile ring was just accepted in Cell Reports! Time to celebrate!
We had an amazing labtrip to Munich. Thanks to the ‘Mikeladze-Dvali lab’ for organizing this wonderful day!
Welcome Sophia! Have a good start in the lab and in beautiful Erlangen!
A warm welcome to Anna, our first Master Student in Erlangen! Good luck with your master thesis!
We are searching for highly motivated PhD candidate with a strong interest in fundamental questions of cell biology. Applicants should have excellent knowledge of cell and molecular biology and hold a master degree in life science.
Please send your application (CV, letter of motivation, contact information of two referees, certificates) or any inquiries to Prof. Dr. Esther Zanin (
Sandra defended her PhD thesis on Ect2 regulation with a great presentation and during an outstanding examination. Congratulations Dr. Schneid!
Fritzi and Esther were delighted to present the work of the lab at the ASCB / EMBO 2022 Meeting in Washington D.C. with posters and a talk.
Welcome to Johanna our new student lab assistant!
Esther was a guest at the Gotta & Steiner lab retreat at the `Science and Music II Poggio` in beautiful Tuscany, where she presented Mikhail´s work.
Great science and inspiring place!
Mikhail’s abstract was chosen for a talk at the European worm meeting 2022 in Vienna.
Great presentation about the function and formation of the linear anillin structures in C. elegans!
It was a great pleasure to show Tamara, Alina, Zakhia and Mikhail, our former colleges from the LMU/Munich,
the beautiful city and our labs in Erlangen. What a wonderful day with old friends!
Big welcome to Christin! Great that you are joining the team from Munich. Good start!
Welcome to Swathi and Nick! We are looking forward to work with you.
Fritzi presented her Ect2 story with a poster at the ASCB / EMBO 2021 meeting via zoom. Great job!
Let´s party and celebrate the successful move to Erlangen!
Together with the team members from Munich and the group of Henry Dube we hab a great party.
It was a wonderful evening and it has to be repeated soon!
The first PhD student moved from Munich to Erlangen. Welcome Friederike Wolff at FAU and a good start!
The collaboration project with the group of Tamara Mikeladze-Dvali was published in Development!
Congratulation to all co-authors.
Joint lab hike with the group of Tamara Mikeladze-Dvali to Kloster Andechs!
Welcome to Sanika Lakshman, the first PhD student in Erlangen. Now, setting up the lab can start!
Esther joins the FAU as a Professor for ‘Experimental Molecular Cell Dynamics’!
Check out the tweet by Prof. Joachim Hornegger!