
Master Thesis topic (others are also available)

Septin function in dendrite morphogenesis in C. elegans
How neurons acquire their complex morphology is an unsolved question in developmental biology. Changes in cellular shape are mediated by the cytoskeleton and we started to dissect septin function during dendrite morphogenesis in C. elegans. Septins are besides actin microtubules and intermediate filaments an important and conserved class of filament forming cytoskeleton components. In humans septin disfunction is associated with autism and schizophrenia. We observed that septin mutants have defects in dendrite morphogenesis in C. elegans. The goal of the master thesis is to analyze at a molecular level how septins contribute to dendrite morphogenesis. Towards this goal a broad spectrum of molecular biology genetics and microscopy-based methods will be applied.

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Digitale Werkzeuge für die Biologie (fortgeschritten)

Bio1: Kursteil: Wachstum, Zellzyklus, Mitose / Differenzierung Metaphyta


Orientierungsmodul: “Molekular Mechanismen der Zellteilung in tierischen Zellen”